Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Privacy PolicyPrivacy PolicyPrivacy Policy

Hijingo Privacy Policy 


Hijingo is committed in respecting and protecting your personal data. The following policy outlines the general processes we go through once you provide your data. 

Please read carefully to understand the practice and guidelines in place to ensure we keep your data secure and informing you of what we do with your data. 

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”), we are registered as State of Play (Bingo) Ltd. 

Photography and video 

Hijingo (State of Play Bingo Ltd) reserves the right to take photos and videos within its venues at all times. These images will be used by Hijingo to share positive promotional news about its events and experiences across all digital channels of communication and the occasional internal memorandum. Images may also be used in press releases, printed publicity and published on our websites globally. All Images are stored securely on our server. If you would prefer for you or your child not to be photographed or filmed, please call 0208 138 2982 and ask for a member of the Marketing team or email 

What data Hijingo collects 

As soon as you visit our website, our web server will automatically record an anonymous profile of which website you visited us from, pages you have visited and what sequence, and the date and length of your visit. This aggregate and does not identify you specifically. We do store personal identifiable data when you volunteer to submit your information through our booking forms, last minute booking forms, guest list sign up forms, newsletter sign up forms and purchase items through our online retail shop. This data is any information that identifies you which includes first and last name, email address, telephone number, company name and payment details. We may also collect additional information such as interests, preferences, transactional information, demographics (e.g. age, gender and income information). 

Hijingo cookies policy 

We and other third-party service providers and partners may send your computer “cookies” to enhance your online experience. Cookies are coded files that can classify you as a unique user and store your personal preferences which allow us to see which pages you have visited and in what order. We use cookies to personalise your visit to the website, see traffic on the website and track user trends, patterns and selections for authorised download and for technical reasons connected with your use of our site. Cookies can be permanent and remain on your computer until you delete them or temporary in which they a cleared once you close your browser. We may also use “web beacons” that monitor your use of our sites. Web beacons (or web bugs) are small strings of code that provide a method for delivering a graphic image on a web page for the purpose of transferring data, such as the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer that downloaded the page on which the web beacon appears, the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the page on which the web beacons appears, the time the page containing the web beacon was viewed, the types of browser that fetched the web beacon and the identification number of any cookie on the computer previously placed by that server. When corresponding with you via HTML capable e-mail, web beacons let us know whether you received and opened our email. On their own, cookies or web beacons do not contain or reveal any personal data. However, if you choose to provide us with personal data, it can be linked to the anonymous data stored in the cookies and/or web beacons. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies and you will be prompted as soon as you visit the website on cookies being used. However, if you prefer, you may adjust your browser to reject cookies from us or from any other website. Additionally, by setting your web browser to display HTML emails as text only, you may be able to prevent the use of some web beacons. However, please note that certain areas of our sites can only be accessed in conjunction with cookies or similar devices. 

How Hijingo will use your personal data 

We collect your data to enable us to: provide a better user experience on our website, send you content that would be of interest to you through newsletters, to carry out promotion activities and to constantly build stronger marketing campaigns both online and offline based on customer needs and wants, improve our service through reservation and sales by dealing with enquiries or queries and booking process, pursuing leads through sales and events, provide customer service on-site at Bounce by understanding and appreciating our repeat customers. 

Will Hijingo use your personal data for marketing purposes? 

Once we receive your data voluntarily, we will use your personal data for purposes of: 

1) Email marketing for sharing information on new products, events and venue openings relating to Bounce and its sub-brands 

2) Customer relationship management for both sales and marketing to provide customer service throughout your bookings process 

Hijingo security measures for protecting your personal data 

Complete security is not always possible on the Internet; however, we assure you that Hijingo are very committed to protecting your data and have reasonable technical and organisational security measures to enable us to do this. These measures as in place to prevent accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, misuse, destruction or against unauthorised disclosure or access to the information we collect online. We are constantly evolving our technology and whilst we cannot always guarantee warrant the security of personal data, we are always improving our security in line with legal requirements. 

How Hijingo will store your personal data? 

We store all personal data locally. There will be times when we will need to transfer your data to central database systems located in United Kingdom, as we improve our booking process. Your information will not be stored for longer than is necessary for the purposed of described in this privacy policy. 

Will Hijingo share your personal data with anyone else? 

Hijingo may share your data between entities within Hijingo for operational purposes. By using our website and submitting your personal data, you agree for anyone working in Hijingo to access your data and use for the purposes as outlined in this privacy policy. 

Your data may be shared with third parties who are providing a service to Hijingo. We may also provide anonymous or aggregate data with advertisers and business partnerships to understand customer trends and patterns, as well as maintaining our business relationships. As Hijingo continues to grow and expand, we may share your personal data with potential new partners, sponsors and brands that work in association with us, this is purely for your interest in our brand. Please note, we will not be selling your data to any third parties. 

Third party sponsors and links from our website 

From time to time we may have links on our website that direct your straight to third party websites and in which have their own privacy policies different to ours. We are not responsible for any data collected from these third-party sites and their use. 

Will Hijingo transfer your personal data out of the UK? 

Your personal data will be stored and processed in the United Kingdom. However, as Hijingo is looking to grow globally it may be necessary that we transfer personal data to international operations. Despite data protection and laws in other countries outside of the European Economic Area differing, we will always take every reasonable measure to protect your privacy. 

How you can find out about your personal data at Hijingo 

Please email our venue using the “Contact Us” form found on the venue page to see the personal data collected through this site that relates to you, to cancel it or to update your personal data. 

Changes to this Privacy Policy 

There may be occasions when we will need to update this privacy policy to reflect company initiatives, changes in the law or technology or changes in our practices regarding the collection and use of your personal data. Should there be any changes, we will update this page and changes will be allocated to the top of this page as well as highlighted in bold with the date of change. We will not be pursuing to use and disclose your personal data outside of what is outlined in this privacy policy without informing you and providing an opportunity to consent. 

How to contact Hijingo 

If you have any questions or comments on this privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us through the following methods: 

1) Contact us form on the venue page 

2) Write to us at: Hijingo HQ, 121 Holborn, London, EC1N 2TD 

If any parts of this privacy policy is judged to be illegal, void or unenforceable due to applicable law [or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction] it shall be deemed deleted and the continuation in full force and effect of the remainder of the provisions will not be prejudiced unless a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the substantive purpose of this privacy policy is then frustrated, in which case you may contact Hijingo at the above address in order to opt-out of the privacy policy.